GÄSTEZIMMER-ZENTRALE HEIDELBERG Vermittlung von Ferienwohnungen, Apartments und mehr....
 GÄSTEZIMMER-ZENTRALE HEIDELBERGVermittlung von Ferienwohnungen, Apartments und mehr....



To make a reservation by telephone or in written form we need to know:


Day of arrival and departure

Number of person

Desired location

Phone number




You can also use our form to make a request

After completing the contract, we will send you the exact address and detailed direction to find the accommodation



Accommodation service

and personal customer service

are without of charge


Montag - Freitag

9.00   - 12.30 Uhr 

14.30 - 18.00 Uhr


9.30 - 12.00 Uhr

Sonntag und Feiertag geschlossen


Office hours

Monday - Friday

9.00 am -   12.30 am

14.30 pm - 18.00 pm


9.30 am - 12.00 am

Sunday and public holiday closed

Tel. 0049 (0)6221-160363

oder verwenden Sie unser Kontaktformular

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